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Active Research Projects Publications
ESS 421
ESS 422

  • Amit, R., Enzel Y., Crouvi, O., Simhai, O., Matmon, A. Porat, N., McDonald, E., Gillespie, A. R., 2010.  The impact of the Nile delta on the initiation of massive dust influx to the Negev during the late-middle Pleistocene. In preparation.

  • Adams, J. B., et al., Widespread salt karst in the Martian Highlands, Bulletin of the Geological Scoiety of America.

  • Crouvi, O., Amit, R., Enzel, Y., and Gillespie, A. R., 2009.  The role of active sand seas in the formation of desert loess.  Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted.

  • Gillespie, A. R., et al., Thermal infrared emissivity of cooling pahoehoe, Pu’u O’o, Hawai’i (USA).  Journal of Geophysical Research.

  • Gillespie, A. R., et al.,.  Variation of effective thermal infrared emissivity with .surface temperature in ASTER standard product AST-05.  Remote Sensing of Environment.

  • Gillespie, A. R.,  Glacial geomorphology.  In M. Bishop, ed., Encyclopedia of Geomorphology, Springer, New York.

  • Gillespie, A .R. and Clark, D. H., Quaternary glaciation of the Sierra Nevada.  In Ehlers, J., and Gibbard, P. L., (eds.), Quaternary Glaciations and Chronology.  Part II: North America, Developments in Quaternary Science Vol 2b, Amsterdam, Elsevier.

  • Handcock, R., Gillespie, A.R., et al., 2009.  Review of thermal infrared measurement of stream temperatures.

  • Jackson, M., et al., A physical model of karstic collapse, Hebes Mensa, Mars.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of America

  • Koppes, M., and Gillespie, A. R., et al. Glacial chronology of northern Central Asia, Journal of Quaternary Science.

  • Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A. R., Montgomery, D., R., Scheiber, B. C., and Arvidson, R. E., 2009.  Spectral tests of the origin of active slope streaks on Mars.  Nature, submitted

  • Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A.R., Feathers, J. K. and Bayasgalan, A., 2009.  Late Pleistocene lateral slip rates along the Gobi-Altay fault system and their implication on the kinematics of Central Asia.
  • Wiedmer, M., Montgomery, D. R., Gillespie, A. R., Greenberg, H., 2009.  Late Quaternary Megafloods from Glacial Lake Atna, Southcentral Alaska, U.S.A.  Quaternary Research, in revision.

  • Jiménez-Muñoz, J.-C., Sobrino, J.-A., and Gillespie, A.R., 2009.  Effects of In-Scene Atmospheric Variability Over High Spatial Resolution Temperature and Emissivity Retrievals from Multispectral Data.  Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, submitted.

  • Smith, M. R., Bandfield, J. L., and Gillespie, A. R., 2010.  Hydrated and quartzofeldspathic mineral assemblage in Syrtis Major, Mars.  Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, submitted.


  • Adams, J. B., Gillespie, A. R., Jackson, M.P.A., Montgomery, D.R., Dooley, T.P., Combe, J.-P., Schreiber, B.C., 2009.  Salt tectonics and collapse tectonics and collapse of Hebes Chasma, Valles Marineris, Mars. Geology 37, 691-694, doi:10.1130/G30024A.1

  • Balick, L., Gillespie, A. R., French, A., Danilina, I., Allard, J. P., and Mushkin, A., 2009.  Longwave thermal infrared spectral variability in individual rocks.  IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 6(1), 52-56.

  • Balick, L., Howard, M., Gledhill, H., Klawitter, A., and Gillespie, A., 2009.  Variation and sensitivity in spectral thermal IR emissivity measurements.  IEEE, Proc. First Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Grenoble, France, 26 – 28 August.

  • Bishop, M. P., Bush, A. B. G., Furfaro, R., Gillespie, A. R., Hall, D. K., Haratashya, U. K., Shroder, J. F. Jr., 2009.  Remote sensing science and technology for glacier assessment.  In Kargel J., Bishop, M., Kaebaeb, A. Raup (eds.), Global Land Ice Measurements From Space, Praxis-Springer, Chichester, in press.

  • Crouvi, O., Amt, R., Enzel, Y., Porat, N., Gillespie, A. R., and McDonald, E., 2009.  The importance of studying primary eolian loess for reconstructing chronology, dust accretion rates and dust sources: An example from the Negev desert, Israel.  Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 J. Geophys. Res., 114, XXXXXX, doi:10.1029/2008JF001083

  • Danilina, I., Gillespie, A., Balick, L., Mushkin, A., Smith, M., and O’Neal, M., 2009.  Subpixel roughness effects in spectral thermal infrared emissivity images.  IEEE, Proc. First Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Grenoble, France, 26 – 28 August.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 2009.  Land Surface Temperature.  In Njuko, E. G., ed., Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing, Springer, New York, ISBN 978-0-387-36698-2, in press.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 2009.  Land Surface Emissivity.  In Njuko, E. G., ed., Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing, Springer, New York, ISBN 978-0-387-36698-2, in press.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 2009.  Glacial geomorphology and landscape evolution. In Haritashya, U. K., Singh, V., and Singh, P., eds., Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, Springer, New York, in press.

  • Montgomery, D. R., Som, S. M., Jackson, M. P. A., Schreiber, B. C., Gillespie, A. R., and Adams, J. B., 2009.  Continental-scale salt tectonics on Mars and the origin of Valles Marineris and associated outflow channels.  Geological Society of America Bulletin 121(1-2), 117-133, DOI: 10.1130/B26307.1

  • Mushkin, A., and Gillespie, A., 2009.  Using ASTER stereo images to quantify surface roughness.  In Ramachandran, B.,  Justice, C., Abrams, M., eds., Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: NASA's Earth Observing System and the Science of ASTER and MODIS, Springer-Verlag, in press.

  • Rupper, S., Roe, G., and Gillespie, A.R., 2009.  Spatial patterns of Holocene glacier advance and retreat in Central Asia .Quaternary Research 72, 337-346.

  • Sabol, D. E. Jr., Gillespie, A. R., Abbott, E. A., and Yamada, G., 2009.  Field Validation of the ASTER Temperature-Emissivity Separation Algorithm. Remote Sensing of Environment 113, 2328-2344, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.04.025.

  • Smith, M. R., Gillespie, A. R., Montgomery, D. R., and Batbaatar, J., 2009, Crater-fault dating: A new technique for dating fault zones on planetary surfaces.  Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284,151-156.

  • Su, Z., Timmermans, W.J., van der Tol, C., Dost, R., Bianchi, R., Gómez, J.A., House, A., Hajnsek, I., Menenti, M., Magliulo, V., Esposito, M., Haarbrink, R., Bosveld, F., Rothe, R., Baltink, H.K., Vekerdy, Z.,  Sobrino, J.A., Timmermans, J., van Laake, P., Salama, S., van der Kwast, H., Claassen, E., Stolk, A., Jia, L., Moors, E., Hartogensis, O., and Gillespie, A., 2009.  EAGLE 2006 – Multi-purpose, multi-angle and multi-sensor in-situ and airborne campaigns over grassland and forest.  Special Issue "Advances in Land Surface Hydrological Processes – Field Observations, Modeling and Data Assimilation," Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 13, 833-845.

  • Gillespie, A.R., Burke, R.M., Komatsu, G., Bayasgalan, A., 2008.  Chronology of late Pleistocene glaciers in Darhad Basin, northern Mongolia.  Quaternary Research 69, 169-187.

  • Kane, V. R., , Gillespie, A. R., McGaughey, R., James Lutz, J., Ceder, K., and Jerry F. Franklin, J. F., 2008.  Interpretation and topographic correction of conifer forest canopy self-shadowing using spectral mixture analysis.  Remote Sensing of Environment 112(10), 3820-3832.

  • Komatsu, G., Arzhannikov, S. G., Gillespie, A. R., Burke, R. M., Miyamoto, H., Baker, V. R., 2008.  Cataclysmic floods along the Yenisei River and late Quaternary paleolakes in the Sayan mountains, Siberia.  Geomorphology 104, 143-164.

  • Koppes, M., Gillespie, A. R., Burke, R. M., Thompson, S., and Stone, J., 2008.  Late Quaternary glaciation in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan.  Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 846-866, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.01.009.

  • McCabe, M., Balick, L., Theiler, J., Gillespie, A., Mushkin, A., 2008. Linear mixing in thermal infrared temperature retrieval.  International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29 (17, 18)5047-5061, doi: 10.1080/01431160802036474.

  • Smith, M. R., Gillespie, A. R.., and Montgomery, D. R., 2008.  The effect of obliteration on crater-count chronologies for Martian surfaces.  Geophysical Research Letters 35, LXXXXX, doi: 10.1029/2008GL033538.

  • Batbaatar, J., Gillespie, A. R., Fedotov, A., and Bayasgalan, A., 2008. The 92-m sediment core from Paleolake Darhad, Mongolia.  Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Changes in East Eurasia and Adjacent Areas-High resolution environmental records of terrestrial sediments, Ulaanbaatar-Hatgal, Mongolia, August 23-29, pp. 66-7.

  • Batbaatar, J., Gillespie, A.R., 2008.  Glacial chronology on the southern margin of Siberia.  The XIV Glaciological Symposium on Glaciology from International Geophysical Year to International Polar Year, Glaciological Association, Institute of Geography RAS and Institute of Geography of Siberian Branch of RAS, Irkutsk, 3-11 September.

  • Hibbitts, C.A., and Gillespie, A. R., 2007.  Polarization of visible light by desert pavements.  Remote Sensing of Environment 112(4), 1808-1819.

  • *Kargel, J. S., Rodriguez, A. P., Furfaro, R., Montgomery, D. R, Gillespie, A. R., Prieto-Ballesteros, O.; Wood, S. E., and Marion, G., 2007.  Martian hydrogeology sustained by thermally insulating gas and salt hydrates.  Geology.35(11), 975 – 978, doi 10.1130/G23783A.1.

  • McCord, T. B., J. B. Adams, G. Bellucci, J-P. Combe, A. R. Gillespie, G. Hansen, H. Hoffmann, R. Jaumann, G. Neukum, P. Pinet, F. Poulet, K. Stephan, 2007.  Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera spectrophotometric data: Characteristics and science analysis.  Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets 112, E06004, doi:10.1029/2006JE002769 (27 pp).

  • Sobrino, J. A., Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., Balick, L., Gillespie, A. R., Sabol, D. A., and Gustafson, W. T., 2007.  Accuracy of ASTER Level-2 thermal-infrared Standard Products of an agricultural area in Spain.  Remote Sensing of Environment 106, 146-153.

  • Balick, L., McCabe, M., Clodius, W., Jeffery, C., Theiler, J., Gillespie, A., Mushkin, A., and Danilina, I., 2007.  Model and Measurements of Linear Mixing in Thermal IR Ground Leaving Radiance Spectra.  Proceedings of the SPIE ERS07 Conference 6749, Florence, Italy, 17-21 Sept., doi:10.1117/12.738102, 12 pp.

  • Gillespie, A.R., Batbaatar, J., and Mushkin, A., 2007.  Report on the expedition to the Gov’i, July 2007.  Darcy Law and modern Science Annual Scientific Congress, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Ulaan Baatar, 10 November.

  • Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A., R., Bayasgalan, A., 2007.  Late Quaternary deformation in the Gobi-Altai Fault System.  Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1957 Gobi-Altay Earthquake, July 25-27, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

  • Mushkin, A., Danilina, I., Gillespie, A., R., Balick, L., and McCabe, M., 2007.  Roughness effects on thermal-infrared emissivities estimated from remotely sensed images.  Proceedings of the SPIE ERS07 Conference, 6749, Florence, Italy, 17-21 Sept., doi:10.1117/12.738125, 10 pp.

  • Adams, J. B., and Gillespie, A. R., 2006.  Remote Sensing of Landscapes with Spectral Images.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK

  • Balick, L. K., Gillespie, A. R., McCabe, M. F., Mushkin, A., 2006.  Forward modeling of linear mixing in thermal IR ground leaving radiance spectra.  SPIE online doi:10.1117/12.683816, 10 pp.

  • Handcock, R. N., Gillespie, A. R., Cherkauer, K. A., Kay, J. E., Burges, S. J. Kampf, S. K., 2006.  Accuracy and uncertainty of thermal-infrared remote sensing of stream temperatures at multiple spatial scales.  Remote Sensing of Environment 100(4), 427-440.

  • Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., Sobrino, J. A., Gillespie, A. R., Sabol, D., and Gustafson, W. T., 2006.  Improved Land Surface Emissivities over Agricultural Areas Using ASTER NDVI.  Remote Sensing of Environment 103(4), 474-487.

  • Mushkin, A., and Gillespie, A. R., 2006.  Mapping sub-pixel surface roughness on Mars using high-resolution satellite image data.  Geophysical Research Letters 33(18), L18204 (6 pp), dpi: 10.1029/2006GL027095.

  • Nichols, K. K., Bierman, P. R., Foniri, W. R., Gillespie, A. R, Caffee, M., and Finkel, R., 2006. Dates and rates of arid-region geomorphic processes from analysis of cosmogenic nuclides.  GSA Today 16(8), 4-11, doi: 10.1130/GSAT01608.1

  • Amit, R., Crouvi, O., Simhai1, O., Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A., Matmon, A., MacDonald, E., and Enzel, Y., 2006.  Hyperarid early Pleistocene geomorphic surfaces: Paran plains, Israel (Poster).  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute.

  • Balick, L. K., Gillespie, A. R., McCabe, M. F., Theiler, J., and Mushkin, A., 2006.  Forward modeling of linear mixing in thermal IR temperature retrieval.  In J. A. Sobrino, ed., Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Spain, ISBN: 84-370-6533-X ; 978-84-370-6533-5, 247-254.

  • Brigham-Grette, J., Anderson, S., Clague, J.,Cole, J., Doran, P., Gillespie, A. R., Grimm, E., Guccione, M., Hughen, K., Jackson, S., Jull, T., Leavitt, S., Mandel, R., Ortiz, J., Rodbell, D., Schweger, C., Smith, A., Styles, B., 2006.  Petroleum award to novelist is inappropriate.  EOS Forum 5 Sept., EOS 87(36), 364.

  • Crouvi, O., Amit, R., Enzel, Y., Ait Mushkin, A., and Gillespie, A., 2006.  Predicting desert loess distribution using remote sensing and GIS techniques (Poster).  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute, https://gis.ess.washington.edu/keck/publications.html

  • Crouvi, O., Cohen, A., Amit, R., Enzel, Y., McDonald, E., McGwire, K., Mushkin, A., and Gillespie, A., 2006.  GIS-based desert soil database for the ARO project: The Israeli soil profiles.  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute.

  • Danilina, I., Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A. R., O'Neal, M. A., Pietro, L. S., and Balick, L. K., 2006.  Roughness effects on sub-pixel radiative temperatures in kinetically isothermal surfaces.  In J. A. Sobrino, ed., Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Spain, ISBN: 84-370-6533-X ; 978-84-370-6533-5, 13-18.

  • Gillespie, A. R., Amit, R., Mushkin, A., Crouvi, O., Enzel, Y., Danilina, I., and Abbott, E., 2006. Challenges in compositional mapping of playas: Yotvata Playa, Israel (Poster).  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute.

  • Gillespie, A. R., and Mushkin, A., 2006.  Lithologic mapping with spectral remote sensing (Poster).  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute, https://gis.ess.washington.edu/keck/publications.html

  • Gillespie, A. R., Gilson, L., O'Neal, M. A., and Kane, V. R., 2006.  A framework for estimating unresolved spectral shade.  In J. A. Sobrino, ed., Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Spain, ISBN: 84-370-6533-X ; 978-84-370-6533-5, 385-390.

  • Gillespie, A. R., Gilson, L., O'Neal, M. A., and Kane, V., 2006.  Parsing Shade.  Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing II (RAQRS II), University of Valencia, Spain, Sept. 25-29, 385-390.
  • Gillespie, A., Enzel, Y., Mushkin, A., Abbott, E., Amit, R., and Crouvi, O., 2006.  Precipitation response by Qom Playa, Iran (Poster).  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute, https://gis.ess.washington.edu/keck/publications.html

  • Gillespie, A., Mushkin, A., Sabol, D., Danilina, I., 2006.  Differential thermal inertia – a tactical measurement of soil properties (Poster).  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute, https://gis.ess.washington.edu/keck/publications.html
  • Gustafson, W. T., Gillespie, A. R., and Yamada, G., 2006.  Revisions to the ASTER temperature/emissivity separation algorithm.  In J. A. Sobrino, ed., Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Spain, ISBN: 84-370-6533-X ; 978-84-370-6533-5, 770-775.
  • Hibbitts, C., Gillespie, A., Mushkin, A., Bauer, J., and Delitsky, M., 2006.  Remote-sensing techniques for mapping desert pavements.  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute, https://gis.ess.washington.edu/keck/publications.html

  • Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., Sobrino, J. A., Gillespie, A., Sabol, D., Gustafson, W. T., Balick, L., and Pasapera-Gonzales, J. J., 2006.  Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval from ASTER Data over Agricultural Areas: Standard Products and Alternative Methods.  In J. A. Sobrino, ed., Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Spain, ISBN: 84-370-6533-X ; 978-84-370-6533-5, 137-141.

  • Mushkin, A., and Gillespie, A., 2006.  Subpixel roughness profiles (Poster).  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute, https://gis.ess.washington.edu/keck/publications.html

  • Mushkin, A., Gillespie, A. R., Danilina, I., O'Neal, M. A., Pietro, L. S., Abbott, E. A., and Balick, L. K., 2006.  Using sub-pixel roughness estimates from ASTER stereo images to compensate for roughness effects in the thermal infrared.  In J. A. Sobrino, ed., Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Spain, ISBN: 84-370-6533-X ; 978-84-370-6533-5, 255-260.

  • Narantsetseg, Ts., Tomorkhuu, D., Dolgorsuren, H., Oyunchimeg, Ts., Baigal, O., Tuvshinjargal, H., Krivinogov, S., Kazanskyi, A., Matasova, G., Bezrukova, E., Gillespie, A., Bayasgalan, A., and Batbaatar, J., 2006.  Research of the sediments from paleolake in Darthad depression.  Institute of Minerals and Resources, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia, 15 pp (in Mongolian).

  • Peters, M., Benson, S., Cerling, T., Curry, J., Enzel, Y., Finley, J., Gillespie, A. R., Glantz, M., Soreghan, L.,  2006.  Global Climate Change.  Geological Society of America Position Statement.  https://rock.geosociety.org/aboutus/position10.htm

  • Sabol, D. E., Gillespie, A. R., McDonald, E., and Danilina, I., 2006.  Differential Thermal Inertia of Geological Surfaces.  In J. A. Sobrino, ed., Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Spain, ISBN: 84-370-6533-X ; 978-84-370-6533-5, 193-198.

  • Sabol, D., Caldwell, T., Gillespie, A., and McDonald, E., 2006.  Remote sensing for mapping near-surface playa moisture (Poster).  Appendix Final Technical Report, Desert Terrain Project, Army Research Office contract to Desert Research Institute, https://gis.ess.washington.edu/keck/publications.html

  • Sobrino, J.A., Cuenca, J., Sòria, G., Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., Gómez, M. Zaragoza, M. Romaguera, M., Julien, Y., Shen, Q., Barella-Ortiz, A., Morales, L., Gillespie, A., Balick, L., Peres, L., Libonati, R., Nerry F., and Fortier, M., 2006.  Thermal remote sensing in the framework of the SEN2FLEX Project: Field measurements, airborne data and applications.  In J. A. Sobrino, ed., Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, Spain, ISBN: 84-370-6533-X ; 978-84-370-6533-5, 142-146.

  • Cherkauer, K. A., Burges, S. J. , Handcock, R.N., Kay, J.E. , Kampf, S. K. and Gillespie, A. R., 2005.  Assessing Satellite-Based and Aircraft-Based Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing for Monitoring Pacific Northwest River Temperature.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41(5), 1149-1159.

  • Gillespie, A. R., Montgomery, D. R., and Mushkin, A., 2005.  Active glaciers on Mars? (Brief Communications Arising from J. W. Head et al. Nature 434, 346–351 (2005)). Nature 438, E9-E10 (8 December 2005), doi:10.1038/nature04357.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 2005.  Rock-art dating at the end of the millennium. Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, 24, 127-130.

  • Gillespie, A.R., and Sabol, D.E., 2005.  Astronomical dating of a solstice sun-dagger petroglyph at Swansea, Inyo County, California, Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications 24, 131-149.

  • Kay, J. E., Kampf, S. K., Handcock, R. N., Cherkauer, K. A., Gillespie, A.R., and Burges, S. J., 2005.  Accuracy of lake and stream temperatures estimated from thermal infrared images.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41(5), 1161-1175.

  • McFadden, L. D., Eppes, M. C., Gillespie, A. R., and Hallet, B., 2005.  Physical weathering in arid landscapes due to diurnal variation in the direction of solar heating.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 117, 161-173.

  • Montgomery, D. R., Gillespie, A., 2005.  Formation of Martian outflow channels by catastrophic dewatering of evaporite deposits.  Geology 33, 625-628, doi: 10.1130/G21270.1

  • Mushkin, A., and Gillespie, A. R., 2005.  Estimating sub-pixel surface roughness using remotely sensed stereoscopic data.  Remote Sensing of Environment 99, 75-83.

  • Mushkin, A., Balick, L. K., and A. R. Gillespie, A. R., 2005. Extending surface temperature and emissivity retrieval to the mid-infrared (3-5 mm) using the Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI). Remote Sensing of Environment 98, 141-151.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 2005.  In Memoriam: Rollin W. Gillespie.  Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, 24, 303-304.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 2005.  Interview with Gloria Farley.  Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, 24, 267-272.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 2005.  Interview with Roderick Schmidt.  Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, 24, 274-287.

  • Gillespie, A., Abrams, M., and Yamaguchi, Y., 2005.  Scientific results from ASTER.  Remote Sensing of Environment 99, 1-2.

  • Gillespie, A. R., Porter, S. C., and Atwater, B. F. (eds.), 2004. The Quaternary Period in the United States.  Developments in Quaternary Science Vol 1, Elsevier, 584 pp.

  • Kaufman, D. S., Porter, S. C., and Gillespie, A. R., 2004.  Quaternary alpine glaciation in Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, Sierra Nevada, and Hawaii.  In Gillespie, A. R., Porter, S. C., and Atwater, B. F. (eds.), The Quaternary Period in the United States. Developments in Quaternary Science Vol 1, Elsevier, 77-103.

  • Montgomery, D.R., Hallet, B., Liu Y.-P., Finnegan, N., Anders, A., Gillespie, A., Greenburg, H. M., 2004.  Evidence for Holocene megafloods down the Tsangpo River gorge, southeastern Tibet.  Quaternary Research 62(2), 201-207.

  • Mushkin, A., &Gillespie, A. R., 2004.  Estimating sub-pixel surface roughness using remotely sensed stereoscopic data. Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 04), Anchorage, Alaska, Vol. 2, 1292 – 1295.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 2004.  Rollin W. Gillespie.  Pre-Columbiana 3(1-3), 165-167.

  • Gillespie, A. R., and Zehfuss, P. H., 2004.  Glaciations of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA.  In Ehlers, J., and Gibbard, P. L., (eds.), Quaternary Glaciations and Chronology.  Part II: North America, Developments in Quaternary Science Vol 2b, Amsterdam, Elsevier.

  • Buck, P., Sabol, D.E., and Gillespie, A.R., 2003.  Subpixel artifact detection using remote sensing.  Journal of Archaeological Science 30(8), 973-989.

  • Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., Sobrino, J, A., Gillespie, A. R., and Sabol, D., 2003.  Separación emisividad/temperature a partir de datos DAIS y aplicación del contraste espectral para discriminar distintos tipos de vegetación.  Revista del Teledetección 19, 51-58 (in Spanish with English abstract).

  • Jiménez-Muñoz, J. C., Sobrino, J, A., Gillespie, A. R., and Sabol, D., 2003.  Separación emisividad/temperature a partir de datos DAIS y aplicación del contraste espectral para discriminar distintos tipos de vegetación.  Revista del Teledetección 19, 51-58 (in Spanish with English abstract).

  • Kargel, J., R. Carlson, A. Davies, B. Fegley,Jr., A. Gillespie, R. Greeley, R. Howell, K. L. Jessup, L. Kamp, L. Keszthelyi, R. Lopes, T. MacIntyre, F. Marchis, A. McEwen, M. Milazzo, J. Perry, J. Radebaugh, L. Schaefer, N. Schmerr, W. Smythe, J. Spencer, D. Williams, J. Zhang, M. Zolotov, 2003. Extreme Volcanism on Io: Latest Insights at the End of Galileo Era.  Eos 84(33), 313.

  • Kay, J. E., Gillespie, A. R., Hansen, G. B., and Petit, E. C., 2003.  Spatial relationships between snow contaminant content, grain size, and surface temperature from multispectral images of Mt. Rainier, Washington (USA).  Remote Sensing of Environment 86, 216-231.

  • Solomon, S.C., Baker, V.R., Bloxham, J.B., Donnellan, A., Elachi, C., Evans, D., Rignot, E., Burbank, D., Chao, B., Chave, A., Gillespie, A., et al., 2003.  Plan for living on a restless planet sets NASA’s solid earth agenda.  Eos 84 (45), 485-491.

  • Clark, D., Gillespie, A. R., Clark, M. M., and Burke, R. M., 2003. Mountain glaciations of the Sierra Nevada.  In Easterbrook, D. J., Ed., Quaternary Geology of the United States: International Quaternary Association (INQUA) 2003 Field Guide Volume, XVI INQUA Congress, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, 287-312.

  • Easterbrook, D. J., Pierce, K., Gosse, J., Gillespie, A. R., Evenson, E., and Hamblin, K., 2003.  Quaternary geology of the western United States.  In Easterbrook, D. J., (ed.), Quaternary Geology of the United States, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, 19-80.

  • Krivonogov, S., Mistryukov, A., Sheinkman, V., Kashiwaya, K., Gillespie, A., 2003.  The Darhad paleolake: A polygon for studies of long-term and short-term environmental changes in northern Mongolia.  The Japan-China Joint Scientific Cooperation Program, International Workshop, Terrestrial Sediment Information and Long-Term Environmental Changes in East Eurasia, Kanazawa, Japan, Nov. 24-28, p.43-46.

  • Sabol, D.E., Gillespie, A.R., Adams, J.B., Smith, M.O., and Tucker, C.T., 2002.  Structural stage in Pacific Northwest forests estimated using simple mixing models of multispectral images.  Remote Sensing of Environment 80/1, 1-16.

  • Bierman, P., Clapp, E., Nichols, K., Gillespie, A., and Caffee, M., 2001. Using cosmogenic nuclide measurements in sediments to understand background rates of erosion and sediment transport.  In Harmon, R.S., and III, W.W.D. (eds.), Landscape erosion and evolution modeling: New York, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, p. 89-115.

  • Zehfuss, P. H., Bierman, P. R., Gillespie, A. R.; Burke, R. M., Caffee, M. W., 2001.  Slip rates on the Fish Springs Fault, Owens Valley, California, deduced from cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al and soil development on fan surfaces.  Geological Society of America Bulletin 113; 241-255.

  • Balick, L.K., Gillespie, A.R.  E. Abbott, E., Sabol, D., Kahle, A.B., Borel, C.C., and Pendergast., M., 2001.  Multiscale thermal-infrared measurements of the Mauna Loa caldera, Hawai’i.  Proceedings of the SPIE Aerosense Conference, 4381, 440-446 (Orlando FL, April).

  • Gu, D., Gillespie, A. R., Kahle, A. B., and Palluconi, F. D., 2000.  Autonomous atmospheric compensation (AAC) of high-resolution hyperspectral thermal infrared remote-sensing imagery.  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 38(6), 2557-2570.
  • Gu, D., Gillespie, A.R., 2000.  A new approach for temperature and emissivity separation.  International Journal of Remote Sensing 21, 2127-2132.
  • Gillespie, A. R., Burke, R. M., and Clark, M. M., 1999.  Eliot Blackwelder and the Alpine Glaciations of the Sierra Nevada. Classic California Cordilleran Centennial Concepts, Geological Society of America Volume (C5), May 99.

  • Gu, D., Gillespie, A.R., Adams, J.B., and Weeks, R., 1999.  A Statistical Approach for Topographic Correction of Satellite Images by Using Spatial Context Information, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 37, No. 1, January 1999.
  • Gillespie, A.R., 1999.  Thirty years of remote sensing in Death Valley:  What have we learned?  USGS Open File Report.

  • Gu, D., and Gillespie, A.R., 1999.  Reply to comments by Dymond and Shepherd.  Remote Sensing of Environment 65.  

  • Gillespie A., Rokugawa S., Matsunaga T., Cothern J.S., Hook S., and Kahle, A.B., 1998, A temperature and emissivity separation algorithm for advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol 36: 1113-1125.

  • Roberts D.A., Nelson B.W., Adams J.B., and Palmer F., 1998, Spectral changes with leaf aging in Amazon caatinga, Trees, vol 12: 315-325.

  • Tanner E.V.J., Kapos V., and Adams J., 1998, Tropical forests -- spatial pattern and change with time, as assessed by remote sensing, Reprinted from Dynamics of Tropical Communities, for The 37th Symposium of The British Ecological Society London.

  • Smith M.O., Weeks R., Richey J., Mayorga E., and Ballester V., 1998, Mesoscale changes in the Amazon Basin inferred from a 9-year time series of AVHRR-GAC images: 1st paper, Surface Change 2nd paper, Energy Balance Dynamics, in prep.

  • Sabol D.E., Adams J.B., Gillespie A.R., Smith M.O., and Tucker C.J., 1998, Simple mixing models for detection of Seral stage in North West Forests, in prep.

  • Gu D. and Gillespie, 1998, Topographic normalization of Landsat TM images of forest based on subpixel sun-canopy-sensor geometry, Rem. Sens. Envir. 64, 166-175

  • Pinzon J.E., Ustin S.L., Castaneda C.M. and Smith M.O., 1997, Investigation of leaf biochemistry by heirarchical foreground / background analysis, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., submitted.

  • Li W., Weeks R. and Gillespie A.R., 1997, Multiple scattering in the remote sensing of natural surfaces, Inter'l. Jour. Rem. Sens., in press.

  • Hoskinson T., Polansky J., and Gillespie A. R., 1997, Calendrical precision at equinox sites: Apparent roles for both ritual and science, Proc. Utah Rock Art Research Association, submitted, Apr.

  • Gu D., and Gillespie A. R., 1997, Topographic normalization of TM images of forests based on sun-canopy-sensor geometry, Remote Sens. Environ., submitted, Mar.

  • Ustin S.L, Smith M.O., Jacquemoud S., Verstraete M.M., and Govaerts Y., 1997, Geobotany: vegetation mapping for earth sciences, In Rencz A., ed., Manual of Remote Sensing: Earth Sciences Volume, chapter 4, in revision.

  • Palmer F., Adams J.B., and Staley J.T., 1997, Desert varnish: In vitro formation experiments, Geomicrobiology, in revision.

  • Bohlman S.A., Adams J.B., Smith M.O., and Peterson D.L., 1997, Seasonal foliage changes in the eastern Amazon Basin detected from Landsat Thematic Mapper Satellite images, Biotropica, in press.

  • Bierman P. R., and Gillespie A. R., 1997, Basin-scale rates of erosion estimated using 10Be and 26Al in sediments, Geology, in press,.

  • Gillespie, A. R., 1997, A precise petroglyph equinox marker in eastern California, Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers, in press.

  • Lawler M.E., Adams J.B., Smith M.O., and Sabol D.E., 1997, Measurement accuracy in spectral mixture analysis: Instrumental effects, Jour. Geophys. Res., in press.

  • Adams J.B. and Smith M.O., 1997, Changes in vegetated landscapes: A process-model approach to multispectral remote sensing, In Peter D., ed., Remote Sensing for Land Degradation and Desertation Monitoring in the Mediteranean Basin, Commission of the European Communities, DG XIII-D2, Brussels, published.

  • Weeks R., Smith M.O., Pak K., and Gillespie A.R., 1997, Inversions of SIR-C and AIRSAR data for the roughness of geological surfaces, Rem. Sens. Envir. vol 59, 383-396.

  • Gillespie A. R., Clark D. H., Steig E., and Potter N., 1997, Chapman Conference on rock glaciers, EOS, 78(20),208,209.

  • Clark D. H., and Gillespie A. R., 1997, Timing and significance of late-glacial and Holocene glaciation in the Sierra Nevada, California, Quaternary International 38/39, 21,38.

  • Smith M.O., Weeks R. and Gillespie A.R., 1996, Using background factors to optimize roughness from multipolarized SAR images, Presented 2nd Int'l. Airborne Rem. Sens. Conf. Exhib., San Francisco 24-27 June.

  • Weeks R., Smith M.O., Pak K., Li W., Gillespie A.R. and Gustafson B., 1996, Surface roughness, radar backscatter and visible and near infrared reflectance in Death Valley, California, Jour. Geophys. Res. - Planets 101, E10, 23,077-23,090.

  • Sabol D.E., Smith M.O., Adams J.B., Gillespie A.R. and Tucker C.J., 1996, Monitoring forest regrowth using a multi-platform time series, Proc. Sixth Annual Airborne Earth Science Workshop, JPL, 96-4, 1, 203-208.

  • Tsang L., Pak K., Weeks R., Shi J.C., and Rott H., 1996, Electromagnetic wave scattering from real-life rough-surface profiles and profiles based on an averaged spectrum, Microwave and Optical Tech Letters 12, 5, 258-262.

  • Gillespie A. R., Rokugawa S., Hook S. J., Matsunaga T., and Kahle A. B., 1996, Temperature/emissivity separation Algorithm theoretical basis document, Version 2.3, JPL D-13916, Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, CA, 16 Aug., 65 pp.

  • Gosse J. C., Reedy R. C., Poths J., and Gillespie A. R., 1996, Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating: tested and ready for action, EOS 77(29), 275,276.

  • Gillespie A. R., Matsunaga T., Rokugawa S., and Hook S. J., 1996, Temperature and Emissivity Separation from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Images, Proceedings SPIE, v. 2817-11 (session 3), pp.82-94, Denver, August 4-9.

  • Sabol D.E., Smith M.O., Adams J.B., Zukin J.H., Tucker C.J., Roberts D.A., and Gillespie A.R., 1995, AVIRIS spectral trajectories for forested areas of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Proc. Fifth Ann. Airborne Earth Science Workshop, JPL, 95, 1, 133-136.

  • Smith M.O., Gillespie A.R., Adams J.B., Tucker C.J., Sabol D., Zukin J. and Roberts D., 1995, Logging History of Bluff Creek, California from a 22 year record of Landsat MSS images (abs), ERIM Conference, Seattle, WA, September.

  • Hill J., Mehl W., Sommer s. and Smith M.O., 1995, Analysis of multispectral measurements for soil degradation assessment (abs), presented at IGARSS, Florence, Italy, July.

  • Gillespie A.R. and Clark D.H., 1995, Potential of ASTER for Inferring Paleoclimatic Conditions, J Remote Sensing Soc. of Japan 15, 2, 39-49.

  • Gillespie A.R., Adams J.B., Smith M.O., Gu D., Sabol D.E. and Zukin J.H., 1995, Forest mapping potential of ASTER, J Remote Sensing Soc. of Japan 15, 2, 62-71.

  • Adams J.B., Sabol D.E., Kapos V., Almeida Filho, R., Roberts D.A., Smith M.O., and Gillespie A.R., 1995, Classification of multispectral images based on fractions of endmembers: Application to land-cover change in the Brazilian Amazon, Remote Sensing of Env., 52, 137-154.

  • Sabol D.E., Smith M.O., Adams J.B., and Pinet P.C., 1995, Tephra deposits at the Apollo 17 landing site using telescopic CCD images, Lunar and Planetary Sci. XXVI, 1211-1212.

  • Gillespie A.R. and Molnar P., 1995, Asynchronism of mountain and continental glaciations, Reviews of Geophysics 33, 3, 311-364.

  • Gillespie A.R. and Bierman P.R., 1995, Precision of Terrestrial Exposure Ages and Erosion Rates from Analysis of Cosmogenic Isotopes Produced In Situ, Jour. Geophys. Res. 100 (B12), 24,637-24,649.

  • Gillespie A. R., Rokugawa S., Hook S. J., Matsunaga T., and Kahle A. B., 1995, Temperature/emissivity separation Algorithm theoretical basis document, Version 2.0, NASA report, Contract NAS5-31372, 84 pp., 20 Sept., 1995

  • Bierman P. B., Gillespie A. R., Caffee M., Elmore D., 1995, Estimating erosion rates and exposure ages with 36Cl produced by neutron activation, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 3779-3798.

  • Bierman P. B., Gillespie A. R., and Caffee M., 1995, Cosmogenic age estimates for earthquake recurrence intervals and debris-flow fan deposition, Owens Valley, California, Science, 270, 447-450.
  • Resmini R.G., Sunshine J.M., Schaum A., McCord T.B, Forsythe J.L., and Gillespie A.R., 1994, Assessment of the linear mixing model for subpixel materials detection in thermal infrared multispectral scanner (TIMS) images, ISSSR'94 1, 312-322.

  • Chabrillat S., Pinet P., Ceuleneer G., Mustard J.F., Smith M.O., Sotin C., Gondet B. and Bibring J.P., 1994, Lithological discrimination across the Ronda peridotite massif from preliminary calibration of airborne hyperspectral data, presented at First International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibiton, Stasbourg, France, September.

  • Koechler C., Hosgood B., Andreoli G., Schmuck G., Verdebout J., Pegorao A., Hill J., Mehl W., Roberts D.A., and Smith M.O., 1994, The European optical goniometric facility technical description and first experiments on spectral unmixing, Proc. IGARSS Aug. 1994, JPL, Pasadena, CA.

  • Sabol D.E., Adams J.B., Smith M.O., and Pinet P.C., 1994, Detectibility of lunar tephra deposits: Examples from the Apollo 17 landing site (abs.), Lunar and Planetary Sci. XXV, 1181-1182.

  • Smith M.O., Adams J.B., and Sabol D.E., 1994, Mapping sparse vegetation canopies, In Hill J. and Megier J., eds., Imaging Spectrometry - a tool for Environmental Observations, ECSC, EEC, EAEC, Brussels and Luxembourg, 221-235.

  • Smith M.O., Adams J.B., and Sabol D.E., 1994, Spectral Mixture Analysis - new strategies for the analysis of multispectal data, In Hill J. and Megier J., eds., Imaging Spectrometry - a tool for Environmental Observations, ECSC, EEC, EAEC, Brussels and Luxembourg, 125-143.

  • Smith M. O., Roberts D.A., Hill J., Mehl W., Hosgood B., Verdebout J., Schmuck G., Koechler C., and Adams J.B., 1994, A new approach to determining spectral abundances of mixtures in multispectral images, Proc. IGARSS Aug. 1994, JPL, Pasadena, CA.

  • Clark D.H., Clark M.M., and Gillespie A.R., 1994, Debris-covered glaciers in the Sierra Nevada, California, and their implications for snowline reconstuctions, Quaternary Research 41, 139-153.

  • Bierman P.R. and Gillespie A.R., 1994, Evidence against reliability and reproducibility of rock-varnish cation-ratio dating methods, Quaternary Research 40, 82-90.

  • Nelson B.W., Kapos V., Adams J.B., Oliveira W.J., Braun O.PG., and do Amaral I.L., 1994, Forest Disturbance by large blowdowns in the Brazilian Amazon, Ecology 75 (3), 853-858.

  • Roberts D.A., Green R.O., Sabol D.E., and Adams J.B., 1993, Temporal changes in endmember abundances, liquid water and water vapor over vegetation at Jasper Ridge, CA, Proc. Fourth Annual Airborne Geoscience (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL, October, Washington, DC.

  • Sabol D.E., Roberts D.A., Adams J.B., and Smith M.O., 1993, Mapping and monitoring changes in vegetation communities of Jasper Ridge, CA using spectral fractions derived from AVIRIS images, Proc. Fourth Annual Airborne Geoscience (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL, October, Washington, DC.

  • Morris R.V., Golden D.C., Bell III J.F., Lauer Jr. H.V., and Adams J.B., 1993, Pigmenting agents in Martian soils: Inferences from spectral, Mossbauer, and magnetic properties of nanophase and other iron oxides in Hawaiian palagonitic soil PN-9, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 57, 4597-4609.

  • Adams J.B., Sabol D.E., Kapos V., Almeida Filho R., Roberts D.A., Smith M.O., and Gillespie A.R., 1993, Satellite remote-sensing of spectral changes to infer surface processes in the Brazilian Amazon, submitted Remote Sensing of Envir.

  • Adams J.B., 1993, A combined atmospheric and systems calibration from spectral mixture analysis, Proc. Workshop Atmospheric Correction of Landsat Imagery, Geodynamics Corp., CA, 177-180.

  • Adams J.B., Smith M.O., and Gillespie A.R., 1993, Imaging spectroscopy: Interpretation based on spectral mixture analysis, In Pieters C.M. and Englert P., eds., Remote Geochemical Analysis: Elemental and Mineralogical Composition; LPI and Cambridge Univ. Press, 145-166.

  • Roberts D.A., Smith M.O., and Adams J.B., 1993, Green vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation and soils in AVIRIS data, Remote Sensing of Environ. 44, 255-269.

  • Mertes L.A.K., Smith M., and Adams J.B., 1993, Quantifying sediment concentration in surface waters of the Amazon River wetlands from Landsat images, Remote Sensing of Environ. 43, 281-301.

  • Sabol D.E., Bell J.F. III, Adams J.B., 1993, Detectability of crystalline ferric and ferrous minerals on Mars, Proc. Lunar and Planetary Sci. Conf. XXIV, 1229-1230.

  • Ustin S.L., Smith M.O., and Adams J.B., 1993, Remote Sensing of ecological processes: A strategy for developing and testing ecological models using spectral mixture analysis, In Ehleringer J.R. and Field C.B., eds., Scaling Physiological Processs: Leaf to Globe; Academic Press, 339-357.

  • Bursik M.I. and Gillespie A.R., 1993, Late Pleistocene glaciation of Mono Basin, California, Quaternary Res. 39, 24-35.

  • Gamon J.A., Field C.B., Roberts D.A., Ustin S.L., and Valentini R., 1993, Functional patterns in an annual grassland during an AVIRIS overflight, Remote Sensing of Envir. 44, 239-253.

  • Bell J.F. III, Morris R.V., and Adams J.B., 1992, Thermally altered palagonitic tephra: A spectral and process analog to the soil and dust of Mars, J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 98 E2, 3373-3385.

  • Gillespie A.G., 1992, Spectral mixture analysis of multispectral thermal infrared images, Remote Sensing of Environ. 42, 137-145.

  • Gillespie A.G., 1992, Enhancement of multispectral thermal infrared images: Decorrelation contrast stretching, Remote Sensing of Environ. 42, 147-155.

  • Adams J.B., Palmer F. E., and Staley J.T., 1992, Rock weathering in deserts: Mobilization and concentration of ferric iron by microorganisms, Geomicrobiol. J. 10, 99-114.

  • Smith M.O., Adams J.B., Ustin S.L., and Roberts D.A., 1992, Using endmembers in AVIRIS images to estimate changes in vegetative biomass, Proc. Third Annual Airborne Geosci. (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 92-14, vol. 1, 67-71.

  • Roberts D.A., Smith M.O., Sabol D.E., Adams J.B., and Ustin S.L., 1992, Mapping the spectral variability in photosythetic and non-photosynthetic vegetation, soils, and shade using AVIRIS, Proc. Third Annual Airborne Geosci. (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 92-14, vol. 1, 38-40.

  • Sabol D.E., Roberts D.A, Smith M.O., and Adams J.B., 1992, Temporal variation in spectral detection thresholds of substrate and vegetation in AVIRIS images, Proc. Third Annual Airborne Geosci. (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 92-14, vol. 1, 132-134.

  • Gillespie A.R., Smith M.O., and Sabol D.E., 1992, A field measure of the "shade" fraction, Proc. Third Annual Airborne Geosci. (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 92-14, vol. 1, 32-34.

  • Johnson P.E., Singer R.B., Smith M.O., and Adams J.B., 1992, Simple algorithms for remote determination of mineral abundances and particle sizes from reflectance spectra , J. Geophys. Res. 97 E2, 2649-2658.

  • Staley J.T., Adams J.B., and Palmer F., 1992, Desert varnish: A biological perspective, In: Stotzky G. and Bollag J., eds., Soil Biochem. 7, 173-195, Marcel Dekker, 418 pp.

  • Sabol D.E., Adams J.B., and Smith M.O., 1992, Quantitative sub-pixel spectral detection of targets in multispectral images, J. Geophys. Res. 97, 2659-2672.

  • Sabol D.E., Adams J.B., Smith M.O., and Gillespie A.R., 1991, Target detection thresholds using imaging spectrometer data, In Green, R.O., ed., Proc. Third Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 91-28, 99-108.

  • Roberts D.E., Smith M.O., Adams J.B., and Gillespie A.R., 1991, Leaf spectral types, residuals, and canopy shade in an AVIRIS image, In Green, R.O., ed., Proc. Third Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 91-28, 43-50.

  • Gillespie A.R., 1991, Trail Canyon fans: Capture history of Rock Creek, In Reheis M.C., Slate J.C., Sawyer T.L., Sarna-Wojcicki A.M., Harden J.W., Pendall E.G., Gillespie A.R., and Burbank D.M., Guidebook for Field Trip to Fish Lake Valley, California-Nevada, Pacific Cell, Friends of the Pleistocene, U.S. Geol. Survey Open-File Report 91-290, p178-184.

  • Harden J.W., Slate J.L., Lamothe P., Chadwick O.A., Pendall E.G., and Gillespie A.R., 1991, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-291: Soil formation on the Trail Canyon alluvial fan, In Reheis M.C., Slate J.L., Sawyer T.L., Sarna-Wojcicki A.M., Harden J.W., Pendall E.G., Gillespie A.R., and Burbank D.M., Guidebook for Field Trip to Fish Lake Valley, California-Nevada, Pacific Cell, Friends of the Pleistocene, May 31 - June 2, pp 139-160.

  • Evans D.L. and Smith M.O., 1991, Separation of vegetation and rock signatures in Thematic Mapper and Polarimetric SAR images, Remote Sensing of Environ. 37, 63-75.

  • Bierman P.R., Gillespie A.R., Whipple K., and Clark D.H., 1991, Quaternary Geomorphology and Geochronology of Owens Valley, California: Geological Society of America Field Trip, In Walawender M.J. and Hanan B.B., eds., Geological Excursions in Southern California and Mexico: Guidebook, 1991 GSA Annual Meeting, 199-223.

  • Bell J.R. III, Crisp D., Lucey P.G., Ozoroski T.A., Sinton W.M., Willis S.C., and Campbell B.A., 1991, Spectroscopic observations of bright and dark emission features on the night side of Venus, Science 252, 1293-1296.

  • Bierman P.R., Gillespie A.R., and Kuehner S., 1991, Precision of rock-varnish chemical analysis and cation-ratio ages, Geology, vol. 19, Feb., 135-138.

  • Gillespie A.R., 1991, Quaternary subsidence of Owens Valley, CA, Nat. Hist. of East. Calif. and High-altitutde Research, Wht. Mtn. Res. Sta. Symp. 3, 356-382.

  • Gillespie A.R., 1991, Testing a New Climatic Interpretation for the Tahoe Glaciation, Nat. Hist. of East. Calif. and High-altitutde Research, Wht. Mtn. Res. Sta. Symp. 3, 383-399.

  • Gillespie A.R., Smith M.O., and Willis S.S., 1990, Spectral mixture analysis of multispectral thermal infrared images: Four test cases, 5th Australian Remote Sensing Conf., vol. 1, 381-390.

  • Smith M.O., Adams J.B., and Gillespie A.R., 1990, Reference endmembers for spectral mixture analysis, 5th Australian Remote Sensing Conf., vol. 1, 331-340.

  • Blount G., Smith M.O., Adams J.B., and Greeley R., 1990, Regional aeolian dynamics and sand mixing in the Gran Desierto: Evidence from Landsat Thematic Mapper images, J.Geophys. Res. 95, 15463-15482.

  • Gillespie A.R., Smith M.O., Adams J.B., Willis S.C. Fischer A.F.III, and Sabol D.E., 1990, Interpretation of residual images: Spectral mixture analysis of AVIRIS images, Owens Valley, California, Proc. 2nd Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 90-54, 243-270.

  • Roberts D.A., Smith M.O., Adams J.B., Sabol D.E., Gillespie A.R., and Willis S.C., 1990, Isolating woody plant material and senescent vegetation from green vegetation in AVIRIS data, Proc. 2nd Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 90-54, 42-57.

  • Gillespie A.R., Smith M.O., Adams J.B., and Willis S.C., 1990, Spectral mixture analysis of multispectral thermal infrared images, Proc. 2nd Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) Workshop, JPL Pub. 90-95, 57-74.

  • Bell J.F., McCord T.B., and Lucey P.G., 1990, Imaging spectroscopy of Mars (0.4-1.1um) during the 1988 opposition, Proc. Lunar and Planetary Sci. Conf. XX, 479-486.

  • Bell J.F., McCord T.B., and Owensby P.D., 1990, Observational evidence of crystalline iron oxides on Mars, J. Geophys. Res. 95, 14447-14461.

  • Roberts D.A., Adams J.B., Smith M.O., 1990, Predicted distribution of visible and near-infrared radiant flux above and below a transmittant leaf, Remote Sensing of Envion. 34, 1-17.

  • Adams J.B., Kapos V., Smith M.O., Almeida Filho R., Gillespie A.R., and Roberts D.A., 1990, A new Landsat view of land use in Amazonia, Proc. Int. Symp. on Primary Data Aquisition 28 (ISPRS, MANAUS'90), vol. 1 177-185.

  • Sabol D.E., Adams J.B., and Smith M.O., 1990, Predicting the spectral detectibility of surface materials using spectral mixture analysis, Proc. Int. Geosci. and Remote Sensing Symp '90 (IGARSS'90) 2, 967-970.

  • Roberts D.A., Adams J.B., and Smith M.O., 1990, Transmission and scattering of light by leaves: The effect on the estimation of percent cover, Proc. Int. Geosci. and Remote Sensing Symp '90 (IGARSS'90) 2, 1381-1385.

  • Smith M.O., Ustin S.L., Adams J.B., and Gillespie A.R., 1990, Vegetation in deserts: I. A regional measure of abundance from multispectral images, Remote Sensing of Environ. 31, 1-26.

  • Smith M.O., Ustin S.L., Adams J.B., and Gillespie A.R., 1990, Vegetation in deserts: II. Environmental influences on regional vegetation, Remote Sensing of Environ. 31, 27-52.

  • Richey J.E., Adams J.B., and Victoria R.L., 1990, Synoptic-scale hydrological and biogeochemical cycles in the Amazon River Basin: a modeling and remote sensing perspective, In Mooney H. and Hobbs R.J., eds., Remote Sensing of Biosphere Functioning, Ecological Studies vol. 79, Springer-Verlag, 249-268.

  • Adams J.B., Smith M.O., and Gillespie A.R., 1989, Simple models for complex natural surfaces: A strategy for the hyperspectral era of remote sensing, Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. and Remote Sensing Symp'89 I, 16-21.

  • Gillespie A.R., Burke R.M., Fischer III A.R., Smith M.O., and Fox III L., 1990, Distinguishing soils and surfaces in a carbonate-enriched desert chronosequence with TIMS, In E. A. Abbott, ed., Proc. Second Thermal IR Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) Workshop, JPL Publ. 90-55, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA., p 119-135.

  • Gillespie A. R., 1989, Big Pine Volcanic Field, California, In Wood, C.A., ed., Volcanoes of North America, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Gillespie A.R., Budinger F., and Abbott E.A., 1989, Verification of prehistoric campfire by Ar-40/Ar-39 analysis of baked stones, J. Archaeological Sci. 16, 271-291.

  • Kahle A.B., Gillespie A.R., Abbott E.A., Abrams M.J., Walker R.E., and Hoover G., 1989, Relative dating of Hawaiian lava flows using Multispectral Thermal Infrared Images: A new tool for geological mapping of young volcanic terranes, J. Geophys. Res. 93, no. B12, 15,239-15,251.

  • Arvidson R.E., Guinness E.A., Dale-Bannister M.A., Adams J.B., Smith M.O., Christensen P.R., and Singer R., 1989, Nature and distribution of surficial deposits in Chryse Planitia and vicinity, Mars, J. Geophys. Res. 94, 1573-1587.

  • Ustin S.L., Smith M.O., and Adams J.B., 1988, Vegetation patterns derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper images in Owens Valley, Plant Biology of Eastern California, Nat. Hist. of the White-Inyo Range Symp. Vol 2, Wht. Mtn. Res. Sta., U.C.L.A.

  • Smith M.O., Adams J.B., and Gillespie A.R., 1988, Evaluation and calibration of AVIRIS test-flight data: Owens Valley, CA, Final Report NASA Contract No. NAGW 1135.
  • Smith M.O., Roberts D.A., Shipman H.M., Adams J.B., Willis S.C., and Gillespie A.R., 1987, Calibrating AIS images using the surface as a reference, Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Workshop III, JPL Publ. 87-30, 63-69.

  • Shipman H. and Adams J.B., 1987, Detectability of minerals on desert alluvial fans using reflectance spectra, J. Geophys. Res. 92, 10391-10402.

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  • Gillespie A.R., Kahle A.B., and Walker R.E., 1987, Color enhancement of highly correlated images: II. Channel ratio and chromaticity transformation techniques, Remote Sensing of Envir. 22, 343-365.

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  • Adams J.B., Smith M.O., and Johnson P.E., 1986, Spectral mixture modeling: A new analysis of rock and soil types at the Viking Lander 1 site, J. Geophys. Res. 91:B8, 8098-8112.

  • Ustin S.L., Adams J.B., Elvidge C.D., Rejmanek M., Rock B.R., Smith M.O., Thomas R.W., and Woodward R.A., 1986, Thematic Mapper studies of semiarid shrub communities, Bioscience 36, 446-452.

  • Crook R.Jr. and Gillespie A.R., 1986, Weathering rates in granitic boulders measured by P-wave speeds, In S.M. Colman and D. Dethier, eds., Rates of Chemical Weathering of Rocks and Minerals, Academic Press, 395-417.

  • Curtiss B., Adams J.B., and Ghiorso M., 1985, Origin, development and chemistry of silica-alumina rock coatings from the semiarid regions of the island of Hawaii, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 40, 49-56.

  • Johnson P.E., Smith M.O., and Adams J.B., 1985, Quantitative analysis of planetary reflectance spectra with principal components analysis, J. Geophys. Res. 90, C805-C810.

  • Palmer F.E., Staley J.T., Murray R.G.E, Counsell T., and Adams J.B., 1985, Identification of manganese oxidizing bacteria from desert varnish, Geomicrobiology 4,343-360.

  • Pieters C.M., Adams J.B., Mouginis-Mark P.J., Zisk S.H., Smith M.O., Head J.W., and McCord T.B., 1985, The nature of crater rays: The Copernicus example, J. Geophys. Res. 90, 12392-12413.

  • Smith M.O., Johnson P.E., and Adams J.B., 1985, Quantitative determination of mineral types and abundances from reflectance spectra using principal components analysis, J. Geophys. Res. 90, C797-C804.

   W. M. Keck Remote Sensing and Planetary Sciences Laboratory
    Department of Earth and Space Sciences
    University of Washington

    Box 351310
    Seattle, WA  98195